Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Endangered Lemurs

Madagascar is world-famous for its lemurs—primates that look something like a cat crossed with a squirrel and a dog. These animals are unique to the island and display a range of interesting behaviors from singing like a whale to sashaying across the sand like a ballet dancer. 
(You might have seen these behaviors in Madagascar with King Julian! They have very strange behaviors!)
Currently, all  Lemurs are endangered species, due mainly from habitat destruction and hunting.
Information from: Endangered Lemurs


The Fossa ( pronounced foosa) is the largest carnivore on the island of Madagascar. It has no natural enemies, but is in danger of extinction because the forest is disappearing. The Fossa only lives on Madagascar, a big island located in the Indian Ocean. The Fossa is a meat-eater that eats small animals and birds, as well as insects and frogs. Sometimes it catches lemurs. The Fossa looks like a cat, but is actually a close relative of the mongoose. Scientists think that it was related to cats a long time ago. 
Information from: Endangered Fossa
Male Asian Elephants are hunted for their tusks, and their numbers are becoming smaller. Hunting them is forbidden, but their trouble goes on.
They live in the plains and forests of India and Sri Lanka. They eat grass and plant roots, fruit, and tree bark. They have to eat a lot every day, because their bodies are so big. Asian Elephants are very clever, so people have used them as helpers from long ago. They can even do math!
Information from: Endangered Elephants


The Hippopotamus is the second largest animal on land after the elephant. Today, they are in danger of extinction because an increase in hunters seeking their teeth and meat.
They live by water bodies from central to southwest Africa. From early evening to night, the Hippopotamus moves ashore and eat grass. Because of its physique, people falsely see the Hippopotamus as a sluggish and slow animal. Actually, it is quite ferocious. In fact, Hippopotamuses kill more people in Africa than any other animals.
Information found from: Endangered Hippos

Red Wolf

The Red Wolf almost vanished from wilderness due to habitat loss and because they were killed for being a beast that attacked domesticated animals and humans. Recent efforts to return them to the wilderness have helped to slowly bring their numbers back.There used to be a broad population of Red Wolf living in the southern part of the United States. Today, the only ones in existence are those in sanctuaries in North Carolina. They like to eat small animals like rats and rabbits. The Red Wolf has also been known to occasionally attack large animals such as deers and boars. They also eat crabs, insects, and carcass meat.The Red Wolf looks like a coyote except for its larger build. They live in families, or packs, and display excellent teamwork, working together with other wolves to hunt and to raise their offspring.
Information from: Endangered red wolfs

Spirit Bear

Spirit Bears (aka kermode bear) are endangered too! There are less than 400 alive! Found only in the central and north coast of British Colombia, around Princess Royal Island.
Scientists know how black bears are born white. They're just not sure why. The phenomenon, known as Kermodism, is triggered by a recessive mutation at theMC1R gene, the same gene associated with red hair and fair skin in humans. To be born white, a bear must inherit the mutation from both parents. The parents themselves don't have to be white. They just need to carry the recessive mutation. So it's not uncommon for white bears to be born to black parents.
You must watch the video!!!
This information was found in the video above and Endangered Spirit Bear: National Geograpphic

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wild Bactrian Camel

There are currently about 2 million domesticated Bactrian Camels in the world. The remaining Wild Bactrian Camels are on the brink of extinction because domesticated camels are eating their food.
The Wild Bactrian Camel lives only in the Gobi Desert that straddles China and Mongolia. The Wild Bactrian Camel eats plants, including thorny dry plants that other animals do not eat. The lumps on their back store fat which they convert into energy when there is no water or food. Burning this fat causes the lumps to sag.
Information from: Wild Bactrian Camel

Sea Otter

The big star at the aquarium, the sea otter. However, the sea otter's fur was much more popular than the sea otter long ago. At one time, too many otters were killed, and almost went extinct.
The Sea Otter has a home on the North Pacific coastline. They dive into the ocean, and enjoy munching on sea urchin, abalone, shrimp, and crab. Just like a sushi restaurant! Sea otters are great at shelling crab and other shellfish. They carry rocks on their belly, and are master tool - users. 
Information from: Sea Otter

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Chinese Alligator

The Chinese Alligator is a member of the alligator family that lives in China. They are in danger of extinction because of extermination (farmers consider them a menace to their rice paddies) and because of habitat pollution from agricultural chemicals.
The Chinese Alligator lives in swamps and ponds in the lower basin of the Yangtze River, which is the last stretch of the Chang River in China. They like to eat pond snails and other shell fish. They may also catch fish and birds. The Chinese Alligator may grow to two meters in length, but it does not attack humans. Chinese books written more than 2000 years ago describe them as "harmless to humans".
Information From: Chinese Alligator

Victoria Crowned Pigeon

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is known for the attractive feathers on its head. The numbers are decreasing so rapidly that this bird could go extinct anytime soon because their lovely feathers are highly prized by people and also being caught as pets.
They live in the forest of New Guinea, located to the north of Australia. They eat fruits and seeds of plants that have fallen on the ground. The Victoria Crowned Pigeon mostly lives on the ground. However unlike the kiwi and crake, they are able to fly.
Information from: Victoria Crowned Pigeon


 Turtles are in danger this very second, for example this box turtle was carried out from sea in a tsunami, and couldn't find it's way back out to sea.  Turtles are the world's  most endangered vertebrates.

Giant Pandas

The Giant Panda is a superstar in the animal kingdom. The forests where pandas live are becoming smaller and smaller, and they may not be able to find mates or food anymore...
They only live in the forests of China. Giant Pandas are part of the bear family. When awake, they are almost always eating bamboo. They just love to eat! The Giant Pandas' favorite food is bamboo. Sometimes they also eat small animals and insects, as well as fruits.
Information from: Giant Pandas

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One of the websites we went to

Red Panda

The red panda is dwarfed by the black-and-white giant that shares its name. These pandas typically grow to the size of a house cat, though their big, bushy tails add an additional 18 inches (46 centimeters). The pandas use their ringed tails as wraparound blankets in the chilly mountain heights.
The red panda shares the giant panda's rainy, high-altitude forest habitat, but has a wider range. Red pandas live in the mountains of Nepal and northern Myanmar (Burma), as well as in central China.
These animals spend most of their lives in trees and even sleep aloft. When foraging, they are most active at night as well as in the gloaming hours of dusk and dawn.
Red pandas have a taste for bamboo but, unlike their larger relatives, they eat many other foods as well—fruit, acorns, roots, and eggs. Like giant pandas, they have an extended wrist bone that functions almost like a thumb and greatly aids their grip.

 It is estimated that there are about 2,500 Red Pandas left in the wild.

Red pandas are endangered because or their habitats being destroyed.

Wandering Albatross

        One of the endangered bird species is the Wandering Albatross. They live in Australia and South America. They eat squid and octopus. These birds have the longest wing span of all the animals in the world! They are becoming extinct because animals are being brought to their habitat and eating their eggs! Here is what it looks like:

Amsterdam Albatross

        One of the endangered birds species is the Amsterdam Albatross. They are located on Amsterdam Island. They eat fish and squid. They are endangered because cattle and cats are eating a lot of the eggs and chicks. their body is brown and their heads are white with a pink beak. They look like this; 

Endangered Birds

        There are a lot of endangered animals in the world. Here is a list of some of the endangered bird species:
Amsterdam Albatross, Wandering Albatross, Bonin Flying Fox, Mariana Flying Fox, Kagu, Red-crowned Crane, Great Bustard, Andean Flamingo, California Condor, Mauritius Kestrel, Philippine Eagle, Stellar's Sea-Eagle, Black-faced Spoonbill, Northern Bald Ibis, Baikal Teal, Hawaiian Goose, Swan Goose, White-headed Duck, Blue-throated Macaw, Hyacinth Macaw, Lear's Macaw, Uvea Parakeet, Yellow-crested Cockatoo, St.Vincent Amazon, Edward's Pheasant, Southern Crowned Pigeon, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Blakiston's Fishbowl, Bali Starling, Blue Bird-of-paradise, Gouldian Finch, Red Siskin, Greater Adjutant, Oriental Stork, Shoebill, Okinawa Woodpecker, Red-cocaded Woodpecker, and the Visayan Hornbill.


Here is one of the websites we use to look up information; Endangered Animals Website. If you know any more about one of the animals, please comment! Here are some more:
national geographic